Today I have the honor of guest posting over at my husband Rob’s site, ThirdScribe. He started a network for authors about a year ago. ThirdScribe is an all-in-one service providing author websites, interactive book pages, forums, services, support — everything authors need to build their web presence and connect with their readers. Anyway, it’s his labor of love and I am so proud of everything he’s done with it, and I’m thrilled to be writing over there today.
So, about my guest post…how do I say this? Many authors are not great with some social media platforms other than Facebook and maybe some on Twitter, so I am giving them some basic tips to help them out on Pinterest, which happens to drive the majority of the traffic to Runwiki. I don’t consider myself an expert, I learn something new every day, but I feel like I had something to offer his clients who might not understand the basics. If you are new or would like to grow your site with Pinterest, please go check it out.. I think you’ll find it beneficial- It’s right here, “Pinterest Tips for Authors.”
So on to weekend happenings… it was another weekend full of laundry, cleaning and prepping for next week. I swear we need a three day weekend every week. Anyone else feel this way? Because of my run in with some health problems lately, I’ve been very aware of my stress level. I really do not relax– even when I sit down for 10 minutes I see how tense I am. I am really making an effort to relax every muscle in my body. I can’t wait to see the TMJ doctor on Tuesday– praying he has some answers for me. In the meantime, I carry on, sore and uncomfortable, but carry on.
I ran two times last week and if all goes well, I am hoping to add a third day this week. I really need to get my health under control before I start doing speed work or long runs. I miss running. I miss that free feeling I get when I’ve come home from a cleansing run. I know that it will take time, but I’m confident that some speed is left in me somewhere deep down. I will be back.
I’m typing this up on Sunday night, and I’m exhausted so I am going to head straight into my recipe for Meatless Monday. I say if you’re going to go meatless, why not make it chocolate! Right? I can’t tell you how many times my kids ask for chocolate milk. I had been making it out of this Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup, but I found that this version of Sugar Free Copycat Nesquick keeps much longer than the syrup. I store mine in the pantry for several weeks, but honestly, it’s gone before the two weeks is up. I make this a lot because my husband puts it in his coffee and when I want a low carb dessert, I grab this and mix it with some Almond Milk. It will satisfy even the strongest sweet tooth.
A few things about this recipe. You can’t just use a spoon to mix this, or it will be a little clumpy. I use this AeroLatte mixer ( which also froths milk for coffee drinks) and it blends beautifully. You can also use a blender bottle to mix, or throw it in the blender with some ice and you’ve got yourself a Chocolately Frappe drink. Another thing is that your milk will be slightly thicker than store bought Chocolate milk. I like it better because Almond Milk is so thin anyway. You may need to adjust the sweetness, it’s not as sweet as Nesquick– but I prefer that! I point these things out to you because I don’t want you to expect what you get with store bought. What you WILL get is delicious chocolate milk that is free of junk ingredients and is sweetened with Erythritol instead of sugar. For those of who are on a low glycemic, low carb diet or someone like me who tries to avoid sugar, you’ll love this- if you are expecting it to be exactly like store bought, then don’t bother. So onto the recipe.
2/3 of Unsweetened Cocoa ( I use dutch process)
1 cup of Erythritol
1/4 teaspoon of sea salt
How To Make It
In a mixing bowl combine all ingredients and well with a metal whisk. Store in sealed airtight container for up to three weeks.
Add a Tablespoon to 8 oz. of milk or coffee and mix well with an Aerolatte or blender bottle for several minutes, until the mix has dissolved. Serve immediately and enjoy.
I’m linking up with Tina Muir and Confessions of a Mother Runner for Meatless Monday. Head over there and check out some of the great recipes they have.