First off I’d like to say Happy Birthday to my wonderful Dad. I feel blessed to have the best Free Range parent ever to walk the earth. He’s funny, smart, thoughtful and never gives up. I am especially grateful that he reads every one of my posts, yes, even DIY key chain tutorials… that’s a good Dad right there. I love you SO much- Happy Birthday to my amazing Father.
Two weeks ago we were in San Diego, last week we were in Virginia and Maryland and this weekend we are headed to Big Bear Lake, CA. We are traveling fools this summer, and I am over the moon about each getaway. Sure, there is a crazy amount of work that leads up to these vacations, but now that my kids are getting older it is becoming easier and easier… In other words, I am making them do their own work! It requires some patience, but in the long run, it makes them feel proud of themselves and it really does help me save time and energy.
Don’t think for one moment that these trips are fancy and full of luxury. When we travel we are on a budget and do many things to save money. I personally find it satisfying to see how much we can save. I kind of get a rush from finding ways to save money and still have a great time. My husband is retired military, or should I say we are a retired military family, so we still have the ability to receive many discounts and utilize military facilities. None of us take that perk for granted and it allows us to be able to travel at all- so we’re grateful. One of these days I need to plan a European vacation using the military lodging- sounds awesome, right?
In just a few shorts weeks my kids will be returning to school. This summer went by so fast, it’s bittersweet. I have my moments when I’m ready for them to go back ( i.e. they are driving me bat-sh*t crazy) and others when I look at them and never want to let them go. I realize that the older you get, the faster times seems to go, and that is certainly the case with them as well. Time is slipping through our fingers and I plan these vacations with that in mind. I know the days when they want nothing to do with my husband and I are just around the corner. If you didn’t catch my post about this very emotional subject head HERE to read the post titled Breaking Away about my little eaglet.
On to my DIY for project of the week. Before we left for Virginia, I drug out my hot pink Betsy Johnson carry on bag to take on the flight with me. It had this old zipper pull on it that I probably bought in the 90’s, but it made me think… I could make my own new modern version. I had seen the product by Mod Podge called Dimensional Magic at Micheal’s and thought, “now’s my chance to try it out,” and that is exactly what I did.
What You’ll Need
For the Key Chain
- A running, or any magazine for a clipping of a word or image to use in the bezel part of the key chain.
- Mod Podge Dimensional Magic
- Bezel Charms Like THIS or THIS
Tassel (optional) like THIS - Heart Charm ( optional) like THIS or THIS
- Jewelry Chain like THIS
- Key Chain ring like THIS
- Scissors
- Glue Stick or White Glue (you just need a drop)
- Scrapbook or construction paper for the background
- Jewelry Pliers to attach the chain and charms.
For the Jacket Pull you need everything from above plus this–
- Lobster Clasp ( you need this only if you want to make the jacket pull) like THIS
How To Make It
After you have let your bezel charm dry for a full 24 hours then you’ll move on the
Step 6
- Measure out 2 inches of Jewelry Chain.
- Use your Jewelry pliers to attached the finished Dimensional Magic charm as well as the embellishment tassel and heart charm.
- If you are making the jacket pull, attached the lobster claw to the key ring or chain.
You’re now done and ready to use your new DIY running creation.
You could put your keys on it, put it on your favorite running jacket, or on your travel bag the next time you head out of town on a runcation.
How about you, do kind of get a thrill out of saving money on a holiday, or do you like to splurge and feel pampered? Have you been on any vacations lately? Are you crafty, or not so much? … I’ll make you one! 🙂
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