I’m linking up with Tina Muir and Confessions of a Mother Runner for Meatless Monday. Head over there and check out some of the great recipes they have.

The kids got out of school on Friday and summer vacation has officially begun. As much as I hate that parents celebrate every tiny little achievement, cross roads, and breath their children take, my husband and I did take our kids out to dinner and the movies Friday night to “celebrate.” I cringe.
Anyway, I allowed them each to bring one friend and we bravely took six kids out to dinner and then to see Tomorrowland to mark the beginning of summer. The movie itself did not get great reviews from the critics, but all eight of us loved it. I am still referring to quotes from the movie and it’s Sunday, so let’s just say I liked it.
Yesterday, I did an easy 10 mile trail run with my two of my best friends and our dogs. I love these girls with all of my heart. I struggle with chronic migraines and they are so understanding, and never get sick of me talking about how they relentlessly shape my life. Plus, they make me feel like I’m a way better person than I really am. There really are no words other than that I’m continually amazed by their loyalty, understanding, and unconditional love.
Who else feels this way about one or a few of their girlfriends?
Saturday night, my kids had friends sleep over. My husband bravely held down the fort while I went out to dinner with another one of my best friends. We went to the Four Seasons.
As the evening went on, and we sat in the bar area, ate our meals and conversed about life, behind us we were treated to a “Real Housewives” moment… disgustingly wealthy people behaving in the tackiest, most inappropriate ways you can possible imagine. Let me reacp some highlights…
- Drunk/possibly drugged lady basically strips while hanging on the resident guitar player who is wearing high heel boots and strumming a very sketchy version of a Beetles song.
- Another lady sitting in the corner with so much plastic surgery that she quite possibly could catch fire as she drunkenly falls forward into the candle on the table in front of her.
- Yet another lady who’s back of her hair is so matted that she is moments away from unintentional dreadlocks grabs her small dog (yes, you read that correctly) and makes out (tongues showing) with her man (pretty confident that this was a very temporary relationship).
These were just a few of the people. We were thoroughly entertained and sadly…laughing.
I left there feeling grateful for growing up hungry, struggling, and for never having a hand out in my life. I was laughing in the moment, but later that night I felt kind of sad. I could sense how lonely, unhappy, and unfulfilled these women were. They were searching for happiness (I think)– one that they will never find. I felt like going back and shaking them and saying, “you don’t need to search… it’s already in you.” If only they would listen, if only they would quiet down long enough to realize that.
Anyway, larger issues in this world, but entertaining, nonetheless.
Speaking of growing up hungry, when I was young, we could not afford to go to dinner, but occasionally we would eat street food. You know what I’m talking about, either a cart on the street with some old guy running it, or a Mom and Pop type of hole in the wall with cheap, hand crafted food. In southern California this type of food is either Mexican or Vietnamese. Sure their are other countries represented, but a large part of SoCal culture is based on these two, with the emphasis being on Mexican food.
If you grew up here, you know about Tacos Al Pastor, carne asada, carnitas, and you definitely know what Horchata is. But, for those of you who are unfamiliar, Horchata is a cold, non-alcoholic drink that is sweet and creamy with a touch of cinnamon. It’s traditionally made from homemade rice or almond milk. I grew up drinking it, and to me it represents Summer vacation and hot, lazy days.
To kick off our summer the right way, I made this simple Horchata Protein smoothie to make the traditional version much more healthy with whole ingredients and less calories. And, of course, my version is sugar free. It almost tastes like a cinnamon vanilla latte – no coffee, though! Great for a quick breakfast, pre- or post-workout meal, afternoon snack, and in my case, sometimes dinner.
Side note- I’ve made this with many different types of Vanilla Protein Powder and for this recipe, my personal belief is that Arbonne’s tastes the best. The link I provide is an affiliate link, but in my opinion, this protein not only tastes the best, it has cleanest ingredients. With that said, try it out with the Vanilla Protein of your choice. I do not consume whey, because it doesn’t agree with my stomach, and Arbonne is Vegan.. another benefit for me personally. If you do decide to go with Arbonne, I can offer you an additional discount if you email me or mention it in the comments.
What You’ll Need
2 scoops of Arbonne Vanilla Protein
1 1/2 cups of Unsweetened Vanilla Almond or Rice Milk
1 t. of Cinnamon
handful of ice
How To Make It
Put all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth. Serve and enjoy!
Wealthy people behaving poorly and a Horchata Protein Smoothie recipe #SugarFree #Vegan #glutenfree #fitfluential Click To TweetIsn’t it kind of fun to watch really drunk people? Throw a poodle and dreadlocks in there and it’s a regular comedy show. What’s your favorite street food?
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