If running were a person, it would be my Pundit.
I might sound like some kind of schizophrenic, but I like to think of it as listening very closely to myself — the soft mutter behind the loud chatter of my ego, which is what we hear most of the time throughout the day. Running is a very effective way of silencing or softening that chatter.
Instead of making frequent TV appearances, my pundit makes frequent appearances in my mind, offering me her sage advise and wisdom on the subject of life. As I grow older, occasionally I wonder if my pundit has anything left to teach me. Just as soon as that thought crosses my mind, she is there gently chuckling at me. There is always more to be learned.
For the last several months I have been learning how to slow down, not get caught in the perfection trap, and to enjoy my life more. I wrote about that in a post titled Wildflower running. My life was so stressful, I needed my running to be wild and free of discipline. Looking back even further, my running has always had a direct connection to what’s going on in my life. If life is crazy, I need my running to be more free and easy. If life is going well, I need my running to be more structured, and to push myself beyond comfortable. What I see in this pattern, is that I fancy being uncomfortable. I am someone who lusts after evolution– both mentally and physically. For me, this prosperity only comes with discomfort. I’m not so sure I am completely conscious of it all of the time, but I know that when life is too comfortable, too ordinary, I get restless and unsettled.
Now my pundit is saying, “move forward and push yourself.” That is what I am doing and it feels like the right timing. My life is going well, so now is the time to evolve in my running life. I am getting ready to run a marathon on May 25th, with only a month of training, and immediately following this 26.2, I will run another one on September 7th. Although I do not expect anything other than to finish this one coming up, it will still be difficult.
I learn so much from my discomfort. I learn how to ride through a storm without freaking out. When the discomfort arrises, I will do everything I can to not let those feelings consume my every thought… they may be there, but they will not dominate me. Just like in life, when problems arise you can fall apart and let those circumstances rule you, or you can acknowledge they exist, that it sucks, and not allow it to consume your every thought. Discomfort doesn’t last forever, sometimes you just ride it out until it’s over. That is what running teaches me over and over again, and for this, I am so grateful.
Running is my pundit who makes frequent appearances in my mind– she is a expert at teaching me about almost everything. If I forget, she will most definitely remind over and over again until it’s sealed in stone. I don’t always love her, but most of the time I am grateful for her. Just like any good teacher should be.
How about you? Do you get the same experience while running? Do you have a pundit who makes an appearance? What has running taught you about life?
Join me on September 7, 2014 for the Ventura Marathon, 1/2 Marathon or 5K. Use code lisawelch10 for 10% of registration.