Women’s Running Series Scottsdale 5K
I planned on leaving Fridays night and spending Saturday and Sunday in Scottsdale, however, one of my children began coughing so hard, I though it might be better if stayed home and left Saturday morning instead. Poor little guy ended up being up all night, so together we had only a few hours of sleep Friday night.
After throwing together a suitcase, I headed out Saturday morning about 8AM for the 6.5 hour drive to Arizona. The drive out was uneventful and I arrived in Scottsdale around 3PM and went straight to the expo. It was an intimate venue full great vendors. Packet pick up was smooth sailing with plenty of employees to help out.
I slept pretty well that night and was up early to pack and get myself to the starting line.
The 5K started at 7am at the finish line of the half marathon at Tempe Beach Park. The park is located right along the Tempe Town Lake with some beautiful rail and pedestrian bridges bridges. The sun was rising and runners were started to show up. The weather was perfect for a short race: high 60’s and not a cloud in the sky.
The race staff had been preparing and setting up post race food and medals. They did an amazing job, for as large as this race was it was executed beautifully.
The race started right on time at 7AM. The 3.1 mile course went down along the river, up and over a bridge, along the other side of the river, and back over another bridge… a smooth loop around the river. It was beautiful! I haven’t run 5K in over a year, so I forgot how fast they fly by. Considering I was hacking up a lung (I caught my son’s cold) and I hadn’t done any speed work since before Boston, I was pleased with my finish time. Official time: 24:13

And even more pleased that I was on the top 10 leader board:

I loved everything about this race… Well, except that I was sick, but other than that it was so much fun. I loved Scottsdale, the weather was perfect, and this race was so well organized. I could not believe how amazing the medal was for a 5K! In my opinion, that is reason enough to do these races. Getting a nice medal makes me feel like I accomplished something special. This race was first class all the way! There is still time to sign up for one of their other races in St. Petersburg, FL on November 24, 2013 and San Diego, CA February 22, 2014.
For tips on running your first Half Marathon click HERE.
This was part of a paid campaign with FitFluential LLC and Women’s Running Series, all opinions are my own.
Have you ever run a WRS race?
Tell me about your last 5K?