In exactly one day I will get on a plane bound for Seattle, and meet the rest of my crew running Hood to Coast Relay with Nuun Hydration.
My team, Team Watermelon, consists of 12 female runners and one driver. If you’re not familiar with relays, they are generally around 200 miles, and in this case we are running from Mount Hood, OR. to Seaside, OR. Each of us are running three legs, which is vastly different from my last relay, where I ran six legs as part of an Ultra team. Since I have run a relay before, I know what to expect, and this makes me feel very confident. Although, I am not in shape and have run very little this summer, I’m not worried, because relays are about having fun, and I am sure this one will not disappoint in that department. I am runner number 10 and my three legs are 10, 22, and 34.

Leg 10– Described Medium in difficulty, 5.12 miles, estimated start time is 9:00pm Friday night.
Leg 22– Described as hard, 6.81 miles, estimated start time is 6:38am on Saturday morning.
Leg 34– Described as easy, 3.36 miles, estimated start time is 3:00pm on Saturday afternoon.
Total miles– 15.29 ranked 9th in difficulty. There will be no complaining from me about anything. π I got a pretty easy gig here, which works for this undertrained girl.
I am packing my Barlean’s “to-go” Omega 3 packets, Hylands Leg Cramps, Aleve, my Oiselle gear, my iPhone charger, Aquaphor, and of course Watermelon Nuun… among other things.
I have dreamed of running this relay with Nuun for several years. It is such an honor and I am thrilled to be part of it. I get a jolt of excitement thinking about what an amazing time we will have, meeting new and old friends, site seeing the Pacific Northwest, and most of all running. Runners may be the only people you can throw in a van together with a bunch of strangers for 35, smelly, sleepless hours and we all get along and have the time of our lives. I can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend. To celebrate, Nuun is offering this great deal… Get that deal right HERE

And use code HydrateHTC for an additional 15% off your order.
I will not be blogging until my return, however I will be on Instagram and Twitter using Hashtags #HTC2013 #TeamWatermelon. I would be thrilled if you followed along, commented, and gave some encouragement… especially at 2 in morning. π See you upon my return!
Now it’s your turn: Have you ever run a relay? How about Hood to Coast? What was your favorite (or least favorite) part?