Lately, I have been practicing – yes, practicing – being grateful. You see, oftentimes I unconsciously go through my day and several negative thoughts will enter my mind.. ie: “I hate when the kids fight,” “what the hell am I going to do to keep these kids entertained all day?”, “I hate this heat,” “I wish we had more money”, “I wish I was a better runner” “I’m not doing enough with my kids”, “get me the “F” away from my kids,” “laundry sucks donkey d*c*” … Well, you kind of get the idea. They’re quick thoughts, that usually disappear soon after they arise, but all too often I don’t make an effort to release them out of my brain. They accumulate and before you know it, I feel unhappy with my life and don’t know why. I am confident that all of my negative thoughts are normal, that most people feel this way too, but it’s when those feelings take over that things become destructive.
Just like we move our bodies to be healthy, we must move our brains in the same way. In an effort to live my best life, I try to catch these thoughts, acknowledge my discomfort, let them go, and move on. I just take a moment to think of anything that I am grateful for… my life is overflowing with people, things, and wonderful circumstances, so when I stop and think about it, it seems comical that I would be negative about anything. Laughing at myself is a major way for me to get back on the positive track. Here is my positive track workout! I know, I’m a complete dork! Feel free to make fun of me! #NerdAlert

I am always blown away and grateful that companies trust me, send me products to try, occasionally pay me, feel that I am a benefit to their company, and send me on running adventures. So, in addition to all of the wonderful people and events in my life, here are a few other things that I am grateful for. Some were sent to me to try and I ended up falling in love, and others I tried on my own. Either way, I feel so blessed.
Chobani Flips My kids and I are coo-coo for Key Lime and Coconut Flips and we are anxious to try all of them. They are packed with protein and the thick, creamy greek yogurt pairs perfect with the nutty, crunchy toppings that you pour on yourself. Ahhh so good!

Barlean’s “To-Go” fish oil packets. I have always given my kids the Omega swirl in the bottle, but I love these easy, on the go packets that can be taken on vacation or thrown in your purse. I took one after every run during Ragnar Relay, and I stayed migraine free the entire race. Studies suggest that fish oil is a powerful anti-imflamatory, gives you energy, endurance, reduces depression, and so many other benefits

My new little kitten, Boston. When I returned home from the Boston Marathon, the first thing I told my husband was, “I need to rescue a kitten.” Well every weekend we would visit the shelter and no one seemed right. A few weeks ago I held this little man, and instantly knew he was the one. Then one week after we brought him home, his foster mom sent his paper work… look at his Birthday! He was born the day of the marathon! He was meant to be our baby.

The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer: This book started off a little slow (just like the perfectly executed race) but now that I am beyond chapter 3, I am in love. It could possibly open your mind to a whole new way of thinking. It is considered a “self help” book, but anyone and everyone could benefit from his words. Some may consider it a bit “woo woo” but it suits me perfectly. A great summer read for anyone looking to live their best life.

The Mizuno Wave Sayonara. It’s quite simple, this shoe is incredible. A full review is coming very soon.

LunatikAthletiks Compression socks. I have never been a fan of compression gear until I tried these. Not only are they available in really cute styles, patterns and colors, more importantly, THEY WORK! They have enough compression to really increase the blood flow to your calves. I put them to the test when I ran 34 miles in them at Ragnar Wasatch Back. I came home with not even a little muscle soreness. They washed up like brand new.

and last…
Bloglovin, I’m lovin it! A place where you can follow all of your favorite blogs in one place, you can follow mine right here Follow my blog with Bloglovin … just sayin’
And the winner of the my Nuun Hydration Giveaway is Rebecca

What are you grateful for right now?
I was sent product free of charge by Chobani, Barlean’s, LunatikAthletiks, and Mizuno but my opinions are from my heart and, of course, my own.