Many seasoned triathletes will tell you that one of the most important aspects of the race is the transitions. Transitions are the area in which you change clothing and gear to prepare for the next stage and, although they only take up a small amount of time, the clock is ticking and someone who transitions well can have an advantage over the other competitors. They will tell you that you need to know what you’re doing before you get there, to visualize what is coming next in order to achieve success.
So, why am I bringing this up? It’s the end of the year and, like many, I am reflecting back on my 2012 and visualizing what I desire for my 2013. I believe, like the triathlon, someone good at transitions will be more apt at fulfilling their dreams. I don’t want to come up with a list of goals or resolutions, but I do want to have a vision of what I want and desire on my radar. I want the activity in my day to day life to be working toward manifesting my ambitions, but first, I want to re-visit 2012 for a moment. Considerable goals were achieved and major changes occurred and I’d like to acknowledge where I’ve been to help me navigate where it is I’d like to go.
1. I PR’ed in the half marathon in February.
2. I qualified for the Boston Marathon in March.
3. I became an RRCA certified running coach in April.
4. I ran my first Ultra Marathon in June.
5. I moved my home and family from Northern Virginia to Southern California.
Since moving to California things have had their ups and downs. As with any move, it has been an adjustment for both my family and myself. I have allowed myself some time to adapt; with every move I’ve made, it has taken at least a year before I was completely settled. As I transition into the next year, I envision the following running related desires:
1. I will PR in the marathon this year. I don’t care how much work it takes, I will lower my 26.2 time. I am completely unsatisfied with my previous races and will not stop until I have that PR.
2. I will be serious about my Boston Marathon training. I have already begun and I will not be skipping workouts and eating like crap. For the next 15 weeks, I am devoted to this.
3. I would like to run a 50 miler this year. This is something I have envisioned for quite some time, but I am not sure if I have the time it takes to train for one… Excuses, excuses… Make it happen, Lisa!
4. I would like to think less and do more. I spend too much time thinking about what I want and need to do instead of doing it. Shut your mind off and do it.
5. I want to be faster in 2013, I would love PR’s in every distance. This means I need to train harder and that thought scares me a bit. I can’t keep running at the same speed or I will die of boredom. Must get faster, must get faster… It’s going to hurt, but I am ready.
How about you? What is something you envision for yourself?