As Thanksgiving approaches, I find myself reflecting upon what I am most grateful for. For many of us, it is all too easy to be so busy that we forget to pause and give thanks. No matter what your circumstances, no matter how great or bleak, the greatest gift you can give yourself and those around you is giving sincere thanks.
This time of year it would be so easy to be flustered, cranky, and snappy with those around us, but that negative energy is contagious and can infect others, taking away from what should be a positive time of year. I am of the opinion that it is our responsibilty as citizens of our community to show gratitude and compassion toward others, and, just as important, ourselves. For when you show kindness to yourself, that energy expands outward.
I believe that if you feel sincere gratitude, even for what may seem the smallest thing, such as a beautiful flower, a warm soft sweatshirt, a sunset, or even a simple cup of tea or coffee, the positive impact resounds in your spirit. Being in that place of true gratitude brings abundance into your life; it certainly brings peace of mind and freedom to mine.
If you’re struggling through your day, pause for moment and find something to be grateful for. If you find that difficult, then just dig a little deeper… you can always be grateful for your children, a pet, a trusted friend, a flower, a coffee, fresh baked cookies, a nice smelling candle — anything that can change your feelings from negative to positive.
Continue to stay in this place of gratitude, and when you feel yourself slipping back, just take a moment and catch yourself. We are so blessed in our lives, this holiday is a perfect time to sweep away some of our difficulties and focus on our successes.
Sometimes the most difficult circumstances can lead us to the greatest moments in our lives. I know it can feel impossible sometimes to see it in the moment, but opportunity is just around the corner. You must believe. You must have faith.
For some, the holidays are a lonely and painful time. I have found that under these circumstances, outward kindness is the best medicine. The greatest way of turning things around is to give to others.
Personally, I have so much to be grateful and hopeful for. My list is long and my heart is full. I am blessed and I envision the same for everyone. I give huge thanks to YOU! My loyal readers and true friends… may your Thanksgiving be full of Peace and Joy.
What are you most grateful for?
Tell me about a random act of kindness that you have done or someone has done for you?