My least favorite race is the 10K. It’s safe to say, I can’t stand it. I dread and avoid them at all costs. I always start way too fast and by mile 4, I struggle to keep pace. By the time I cross the finish line, I am miserable. When I sign up for them I always have high hopes saying things like: “It’s only 6.2 miles”, “Should be a fun and quick race.”
The truth is, I have, over and over, had a faster and much more pleasant time in the 15K and half marathon. Yes, I know… my 15K and half marathon pace is better than my 10K pace! Here are my PR’s from last year..
15K- 1:08 @ 7:20 pace
Half Marathon-1:43 @ 7:54 pace
I don’t generally make New Year’s resolutions and really am not one to start things up in January. I have my goals in my mind all the time. I live my life day by day and many times moment by moment. My Goals are ongoing and can change. I stay true to my morals and am dedicated to my personal growth… not a resolution. I do however, like to look back on the previous year and ask myself “what did I do right?” “What did I do wrong?” “How can I learn, move forward and grow from those experiences?”
Several months ago I was faced with personal situation that was uncomfortable and I did not want to face. My first reaction was to avoid it, just like I avoid the dreaded 10K, and then my wise friend Kellie advised me to not avoid it. Instead, to erase all of the preconceived ideas in my head about it and start with a “new set of eyes” and a clean slate. She advised me not to go into something thinking “I hate this or this is going to turn out ugly” based on a past experience. Her words struck a cord and I thought, yes, I must do this. The situation was not as bad as I thought it was going to be – still not perfect, but, because I went in with a “new set of eyes,” the aftermath of my challenge did not leave me feeling so beat up. I bounced back quicker and the blow did not seem so severe.
This year my goal is to approach the 10K and the things that I find uncomfortable with a new set of eyes – like the eyes of child, un-scarred by past experiences and difficulties. To not avoid or judge but, rather, face my challenges with wisdom, compassion and more acceptance. I am already signed up for 2-10K’s and an 8K this year. Who knows, maybe by the end of the year I will not only have set a new PR, but, more important, will come to accept that little 6.2 devil more.
What challenges do you avoid? How can you look at them with fresh eyes?