It’s time to get real. I guess I knew when I started this blog several years ago, that I was not mentally ready. I was interested in writing a blog, I was not committed. Just like anything else in life you are either interested or committed. To be committed you have to work through all of the cop outs you try to tell yourself. I was constantly making excuses why I could not write. Here are a few examples:
1. I don’t have the time
2. I have frightening grammar, punctuation and spelling.
3. People will judge and define me just by my blog.
4. Somehow if I do something outside of taking care of my children, than I am failing them.
5. It won’t be very good, people don’t really give a damn about what I have to say and who the hell would read it anyway?..that still may be true.
6. I am taking a risk by opening myself up to the world.
7. There are already so many great blogs out there, why one more?
Along with a few others and, sheer procrastination.
All of these things I have told myself, I have believed. I can remember when I used to make excuses about running. Finally I squashed the evil voice in my mind and just put my feet out the door for a run everyday…. after awhile it became unnatural NOT to run. Finally , when I was officially a daily runner the same excuses popped up when I would run hills or a tough workout. It was an endless cycle of believing those nasty voices that tell me “I can’t”, “you shouldn’t” “your not good enough”. You may have heard that a marathon is 80% mental and 20% physical, well as many of you know, it is not so different in life.
I love to write, why on earth should I not make it part of my daily life? I am not saying overcoming procrastination is easy but, if I do it long enough perhaps it will become a habit. I am sure just like in running, motherhood, marriage or anything else you are committed to, there will be days when I ask myself “why am I doing this?” And the answer will be.. because writing, connecting with people and extending my hand to others is something I cannot live my fullest life without . The hills, tough work outs and difficult moments in life are what make us stronger…not to minimize their difficulty but after awhile you become used to them..they don’t seem so daunting after you have been through several of those moments.
So, without further adieu, I re-introduce you to my blog RunWiki formerly Eating Off The Floor. It’s a look into the mind of someone who has a strange love affair with running and how it guides me through life. It’s also a place for me to share the causes close to my heart, most recently Kyle’s Krusade (Talbert Family Foundation) and Healing The Unseen Wound. I would like to add that this blog is not just about running, it’s about life, seen through my somewhat demented eyes. Sometimes I am completely wacky and funny, other times serious and deep. I’ll try hard not to be boring, although I am sure that will be the case at certain times.
I now welcome you to be a small part of my world called RunWiki. Oh, by the way, about the title… “Wiki” means “fast” in Hawaiian.