So, after my little rant earlier this week, I have since calmed down a bit, and, after some self reflection, I feel that the reason I’ve been feeling a little out of sorts is because I’m going through some transformations as well. Still no serious running has me feeling a little unsure of the direction of my life. I feel uncertain about what I should be doing. I am questioning my place in the world.
My kids are getting older and I often ask myself if I shouldn’t be working for someone else and making consistent income rather than continue spending so much time trying to build a business out of blogging. I have no definitive goals and for me that leads to feeling mildly confused and lost. If I imagine establishing goals and what they might look like, nothing seems satisfying or is jumping out at me.
In times like this I have found it’s best to just be still, go for long walks, and intentionally try to clear my mind. I am backing off from my intense blogging schedule and just publishing things that are already in my dashboard. My motivation is low, so for the first time in a very long time, I’m just listening to myself and going with it. If I don’t feel like cleaning the house… I don’t. If taking pictures of what I’m doing feels flat and uninspiring… I refrain. When I get anxious about not doing something, I sit down, take a deep breath, honor my anxiety, and just chill for a sec.
It’s helping. Every day I feel less and less restless – but I still have a long way to go. What am I describing? Anxiety and yes, I suffer from full blown attacks. Sometimes it’s tough for me to recognize that. I have become accustomed to feeling a little panicky and navigating my life around those feelings.
I know what I need to do. I need to let go of the expectations I put on myself as a parent, as a blogger, as a friend, wife, and global citizen. I also need to establish a fitness routine and spend some time being relaxed and quiet. I must stop making excuses why this isn’t possible for me, it’s a necessity at this point. I’m tired of the internal struggle and my health is being effected. Time to make some changes.
In other news, if you have a daughter (even if you don’t) you should head over here and read Carla’s article on Boobs and Pubes. I love reading anything by Carla, she has a way of starting conversation like no other. She gets you thinking. Plus, she cracks me up. I feel like I’m at a slumber party when I read her posts. But, enough gushing – go spy on her sleepover.
And now for the real reason you’re here… What to do with all of those old race bibs? Maybe you made a Serving Tray, or a Running Journal, but if you’re like me, you still have more bibs laying around, so why not make a clipboard?
I’m one of those people who loves journals, folders, pens and clipboards, so this has gotten some use in my home. I could also see making this DIY as a gift for a Cross Country/ Track Coach– the holiday season is quickly approaching. I added a sticky strip of gems to the edge, but it looked great without it as well.
What You’ll Need
1- Clear Acrylic Clipboard
Mod Podge
A paint brush
Old race Bibs
How to Make It
It will look cloudy, so allow Mod Podge to dry for 4-6 hours or overnight or until it looks clear.
Easy DIY Race Bib Clipboard-- What to Do With Old Race Bibs #FitFluential #Sweatpink #RunChat Click To Tweet
What do you do with old race bibs? Did you read Boobs and Pubes? What are you doing this weekend?